PEACE CORPS KENYA:   Mr. Graves 1976-1978


This is my form IV "O" level. Equivalent to 11th grade. My students are performing a traditional dance.
When I first arrived at my site at Kiaguthu Secondary School, some of my students helped me clean my house. This is me after I've settled in.
Five of my students being invested into the Scouts. Mr. Kariuki, the Headmaster, is to my right.
A scout outing by bicycle. A scout camping trip in Aberdare National Forest.
My boy scout troop is building stairs for our school. This could have been my adoptive family.
I constructed a science lab. A few days after starting construction.
Wall table at the back of the room nearing completion. Teacher's Demonstration Table nearing completion.
Me with my Form IV Students. (Same as 11th grade.)