Honors Chemistry Is Fun
Fun Chemistry Instructor: Mr. Graves
First Semester Assignments
School Year 2011/2012
WEDNESDAY 12/13/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Lecture: None
Computer Assignment: Do the Chemistry Adventure: . Copy each question and your answers until the tutorial is complete. Turn in as much as you can do by the end of the period.
Finish: None
TUESDAY 12/13/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Lecture: None
Computer Assignment: Do the Chemistry Adventure: . Copy each question and your answers until the tutorial is complete. Turn in as much as you can do by the end of the period.
Finish: None
MONDAY 12/12/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Collect Work: Have you turned in last Friday's "Stoichiometry" assignment?
Lecture: Now, your teacher will again demonstrate the Chemistry Adventure: . Copy each question and answer that you are shown by your teacher. Turn in your paper at the end of the period.
Finish: None
FRIDAY 12/09/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Lecture: None
Computer Assignment: 2. Do the Chemistry Adventure: . Copy each question and your answers until the tutorial is complete. Turn in your paper at the end of the period.
Finish: "Stoichiometry" - Due Monday.
THURSDAY 12/08/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Periodic Assesstment #1
WEDNESDAY 12/07/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Textbooks: Pass out textbooks (World of Chemistry) for students to take home.
Assignment: Copy and Answer all 12 questions on page 397. Please click on help to locate the answers in your textbook.
Finish: today's assignment at home.
TUESDAY 12/06/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda: Review for the periodic assessment on Thursday.
Lecture: Discuss some review topics
Check Your Homework: CST Release Questions
MONDAY 12/05/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda: Review for the periodic assessments on Thursday.
Lecture: Review the 90 CST release questions (Netscape 6 only) - Numbers 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,57,78,79,80,81,82 & 83
Copy and answer the questions that are stated above in today's lecture.
FRIDAY 12/02/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Test: "California Chemistry Standards 1-3 and Equation Balancing"
THURSDAY 12/01/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Youtube: "Chemistry Music Video 14: I Heart Electron Config"
Youtube: "Review Tutorial - Electron Configuration" Lecture
Youtube: "Electron Configuration" Lecture
Lesson: Read this reference to help you with your homework. "Electron Configuration Explanation"
Classwork: Discuss and go over last night's homework: "Electron Configurations"
Study for an online Quia test on Friday covering the following topics and questions:
>>>>>>Electron Configurations
>>>>>>Questions similar to the "California Chemistry Standards Review" parts 1 through 4.
California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 1 (1-7 only)
California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 2 (all)
California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 3 (all)
California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 4 (all)
TUESDAY 11/29/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Youtube: "Chemistry Music Video 14: I Heart Electron Config"
Lesson: Read this reference to help you with your homework. "Electron Configuration Explanation"
Classwork: Students copy and answer: "Electron Configurations"
Due Tomorrow: "Electron Configurations" questions that you started doing yesterday. Due Tomorrow. Check your answers at the bottom of the page but please try to answer yourself before checking otherwise you are learning nothing.
MONDAY 11/28/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Youtube: "Chemistry Music Video 14: I Heart Electron Config"
Lesson: Power Point "Electrons In Atoms"
Classwork: Students copy and answer: "Electron Configurations": Not due until Wednesday 11/30/2011
Complete: today's Classwork by Wednesday at the beginning of class.
WEDNESDAY 11/23/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Lesson: Teacher Reviews Answers to this weeks set of assignments.
Classwork: Students complete and turn in their work from this week if they have not already done so..
Finish: Have a happy Thanksgiving!
TUESDAY 11/22/11 Period 5
Today's Agenda:
Turn in: (Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the California Chemistry Standards or finish it now if you have not done so.
Begin: California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 4 "Conservation of Mass and Stoichiometry".
Finish: "Conservation of Mass and Stoichiometry" above if you have not finish it in class today.
MONDAY 11/21/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Collect: the 20 questions from Friday night's homework.
Lesson Topic: Reviewing for the CST and the first Periodic Assessment.
1. Copy and answer the first 7 questions of California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 1 "Atomic and Nuclear Chemistry"
2. Do all of California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 2 "Electrons and Periodic Behavior"
3. Do all of California Chemistry Standards Review - Part 3 "Bonding"
4. If you've been doing your work in class, you will be allowed to completed today's unfinished work and turn it in tomorrow.
FRIDAY 11/18/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Lesson Topic: Discuss the CST Release Questions.
Homework: Copy and answer 20 CST Release Questions
Also, explore CST Standards Fill-In Questions
THURSDAY 11/17/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Lesson Topic:
Due Friday 11/18/2011,
WEDNESDAY 11/16/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Lesson Topic: "Molecular Shapes"
Activities: ChemThink, "Molecular Shapes" Tutorial and Questions.
Due Friday 11/18/2011, ChemThink, "Molecular Shapes" Tutorial and Questions.
TUESDAY 11/15/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
Do the following Quia activities:
Rags to Riches: Practice Balancing Equations
Challenge Board: Atomic Structure Jeopardy
BattleShip: Chemistry
MONDAY 11/14/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Teacher demonstrates how to create learning activities in "Hot Potatoes" version 5.1
FRIDAY 11/11/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
Pass out tentative Reports for Students. Discuss ways to bring up your grades. Work on missing assignments such as Chemthink assignments.
THURSDAY 11/10/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Collect Last Night's Homework: Chemistry Adventure -
2. Pass out grade reports: Students are to work on missing assignments and write in any missing scores before submitting to the teacher. Return to teacher by the end of the period showing the corrections you've made on the report.
3. See #2 above.
WEDNESDAY 11/9/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Turn in your assignment correction list.
2. Continue your work on yesterday's Chemistry Adventure: . Turn it in by the end of the the period.
3. After finishing Chemistry Adventure: "Conversion Factors" above, start the next Chemistry Adventure Tutorial: Again, start a new paper with the heading, "Chemical Quantities" and copy all the questions with your answer. This assignment must be complete by the start of class tomorrow or it will not be credited to your mid-term report card.
4. Start: 100 Mole Relationships Questions
5. Finish: This assignment must be complete by the start of class tomorrow or it will not be credited to your mid-term report card.
TUESDAY 11/8/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Turn in your homework: Mole Calculations Practice Worksheet and More Mole Calculations
2. Do the Chemistry Adventure: . Copy each question and your answers until the tutorial is complete. Turn in your paper at the end of the period.
3. Do the: tutorial but only if you were excused from doing it in class.
MONDAY 11/7/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. YouTube Video - Watch this: "A Mole is a Unit..."
2. Lecture: Re-explain last Friday's classwork assignment: Mole Calculations Practice Worksheet
3. Do: "More Mole Calculations" Worksheet
4. Do: Finish both of today's Handouts to be checked at the beginning of the period.
FRIDAY 11/4/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Hand In Your Homework: Molar Mass Practice Worksheet if you took it home to finish it.
2. Lecture: Converting Moles, grams, numbers of atoms and molecules.
Power Point Presentation: "The Mole"
Movie: "Converting Moles to Grams"
Move: "Converting Grams to Moles"
3. Do: Mole Calculations Practice Worksheet
4. Do: "More Mole Calculations" Worksheet
THURSDAY 11/3/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Hand In Your Homework: Molar Mass Worksheet if you took it home to finish it.
2. Lecture: Finding the Molar Mass of a compound.
3. Do: Molar Mass Practice Worksheet.
4. Finish the Molar Mass Practice Worksheet only if not completed in class.
WEDNESDAY 11/2/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Test: "Bonding and Molecular Structure"
2. YouTube Videos for today's lecture on "Molar Mass"
"A Mole is a Unit" A rap song by chem students to help you lean about what a mole is.
--------> "How to Calculate Molar Mass" Lecture - more correct - explains using a conversion factor
--------> "How to Calculate Molar Mass" Lecture - less correct - easier to understand but doesn't explain using a conversion factor.
3. Classwork: Molar Mass Worksheet (Also known as " formula mass" depending upon whether you are talking about covalent or ionic compounds.) Copy the chart onto your own paper or print it out if you have a printer.
4. Finish the Molar Mass Worksheet
TUESDAY 11/1/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
1. YouTube Videos: "Behavior of Gases"
"Rock Me Avogadro" Song by Mark Rosengarten
"Ideal Gas Law - PV=nRT - Lecture"
2. Collect the "Lewis Structure Review Sets" assigned for last night's homework.
3. Check to see who has not finished Chemthink: "Behavior of Gases"
4. Lecture: "Ionic Bonding" and "Covalent Bonding" Power Point Presentations.
4. Study for a test tomorrow on "Lewis Structures". The best way to study for tomorrow's test is to do all three question sets that we did on Monday "Lewis Structure Review Set #1" "Lewis Structure Review Set #2" "Lewis Structure Review Set #3" by going through each again and again until you know them - do just know the answers but know why the answers are the correct ones. There will also be some questions on Gases taken from Chemthink: Behavior of Gases. Have fun studying.
MONDAY 10/31/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
1. Collect the "Equation Identification" assignment. Give full credit to those who turn it in today and double credit to those who turned it in on Friday 10/28/2011
2. Note: Return to "Behavior of Gases" tomorrow.
3. You Tube Videos: "Drawing Lewis Structures"
What Kind of Bonds are These? Song by Mark Rosengaten
Take Down Lewis (Structures) Rap by high school student
Lewis Dot Diagrams Lecture by Mr. Anderson (He's very good.)
4. Lecture: "Lewis Dot Structures" - Review the techniques.
5. Do all three reviews below. For each question, explain why you chose your answer. Don't just say, "...because it was the correct answer." Say something like: "It was the only answer showing bromine having an octet."
"Lewis Structure Review Set #1" (7 questions)
"Lewis Structure Review Set #2" (next 7 questions)
"Lewis Structure Review Set #3" (next 6 questions)
6. Finish the work you started in class. See #5 above.
7. Finish ChemThink.com "Behavior of Gases" Tutorial and Questions" if you have not already done so.
FRIDAY 10/28/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
1. Collect and Check Off the Homework Assignments: "Equation Identification"
2. You Tube Videos: Behavior of Gases and the Ideal Gas Law
3. Lecture: Behavior or Gases
4. Do ChemThink.com "Behavior of Gases" Tutorial and Questions"
4. Finish ChemThink.com "Behavior of Gases" Tutorial and Questions"
THURSDAY 10/27/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
1. Quiz: "Chemical Reactions"
2. You Tube Videos: Types of Chemical Reactions
"Five Major Chemical Reactions"
"So You Want to Make a Product"
"Four Types of Chemical Reactions"
3. Lecture: Identifying the types of chemical reactions.
4. Do "Equation Identification" Copy each question and the correct answer that goes with it.
WEDNESDAY 10/26/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
1. Test: "Lab Equipment Test"
2. Do this online classwork assignment: "Balancing Chemical Equations"
3. Prepare for a test tomorrow by finishing "ChemThink: Chemical Reactions" Tutorial and Questions.
TUESDAY 10/25/11 Periods 5
In Class Today:
Today's Lesson: Be able to "Balance Chemical Reactions" and "identify equipment used in the Lab"
Lecture: ChemThink Teacher demonstrates "Chemical Reactions" Questions.
Student do both the tutorial and the questions.
Go online to the "Lab Equipment Tutorial". Try to get the highest percentage you can get.
2. Be prepared for a test on Lab Equipment tomorrow by doing the "Lab Equipment Tutorial" again.
3. Complete ChemThink "Chemical Reactions" Tutorial and Questions. Test on Balancing Equations Thurday
MONDAY 10/24/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Test "Covalent Bonding, Molecular Shapes, Lewis Dot Diagrams"
2. Start ChemThink: "Chemical Reaction" Tutorial and Questions" Due Tuesday Night.
3. ChemThink: "Chemical Reaction" Tutorial and Questions" Due Tuesday Night.
4. Come back later for more homework help on this topic.
FRIDAY 10/21/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Turn in your Lewis Dot Diagram homework.
2. Study for a test on Monday by taking a practice test. Take it as many times as you like. It can't hurt.
Practice Test:"Covalent Bonding, Molecular Shapes, Lewis Dot Diagrams"
3. Watch the YouTube video on "Lewis Dot Diagrams"
Homework: To prepare for Monday's test, continue taking the practice test above, study the answers to last night's homework by clicking on "Lewis Dot Diagrams homework answers", and then take the Lewis Dot Diagram Practice Test . Three questions will be taken from this practice test. There is nothing you need to hand in to me on Monday.
Advanced Help: For an explanation of the more difficult dot structures in last night's homework assignment, click on the videos below. There will not be any hard dot diagram questions like these on Monday's test.
Video Help: Lewis Dot of Sulfur Dioxide SO2
Video Help: Lewis Dot of Carbon Monoxide CO video#1
Video Help: Lewis Dot of Carbon Monoxide CO video#2
THURSDAY 10/20/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Lecture: Covalent Bonds: Lewis Dot Diagrams
2. YouTube Videos:
3. Worksheet: Draw Lewis Dot Diagrams If you need help with this assignment, please view the video above. Please complete this by tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY 10/19/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. YouTube Videos:
2. Lesson: World of Chemistry:
12.1 Characteristics of Chemical Bonds
12.2 Characteristics of Ions and Ionic Compounds
12.3 Lewis Structures
12.4 Structures of Molecules
Classwork Assignment: Use your textbook: Note: You may want to Google "Duet Rule" for the definition.
Page 434: Define All Key Terms, Sections 12.1; 12.3; 12.4
Page 435-437 Answer Questions Section 2.1 (4,8,11); Section 2.2 (19,24,26); Section 2.3 (30,32); Section 2.4 (39)
TUESDAY 10/18/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. YouTube Videos:
2. Lesson: Molecular Shapes
3. Do Chemthink: "Molecular Shapes" Tutorial and Questions
MONDAY 10/17/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Collect "Scientific Notation Worksheet"
2. YouTube Video: "Sara Palin on Scientific Notation."
3. Return "Scientific Measurement Practice #2" on Significant Figures to students. Discuss and complete page 2. which requires an understanding of "Scientific Notation"
FRIDAY 10/14/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Lecture Topic: Scientific Notation.
2. YouTube Videos: "Scientific Into Standard Notation"
"Standard Into Scientific Notation"
3. Do the worksheet: "Scientific Notation Worksheet" Due Monday.
THURSDAY 10/13/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Lecture Topic: Significant Figures in Addition, Subtraction, with or without Scientific Notation.
2. Do the worksheet: "Scientific Measurement Practice #2" page 2
(Most students could not complete due to a lack of understanding of Scientific Notation.)
This was to be done last Tuesday: "Structure of Atoms Practice"
WEDNESDAY 10/12/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Lecture Topic: "Scientific Measurement: Significant Figures"
2. Do the worksheet: "Scientific Measurement Practice #2" page 1
(Worksheet was collected at the end of the period.)
TUESDAY 10/11/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Lecture: "Isotopes" (Symbols, Atomic Mass, Atomic Number)
2. Do the worksheet "Structure of Atoms Practice"
MONDAY 10/10/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Power Point Presentation: "The Periodic Table" - the HOW!
2. Handout: "Blank Periodic Table" for taking notes. Collect at the end of the period.
FRIDAY 10/7/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Substitute Teacher
2. Lesson: Reading and Questions from Sections 3-5, 3-6, 4-5 and 4-6. Collect at the end of the period.
THURSDAY 10/6/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. "Covalent Bonding Practice Test"
2. The cutoff for this grading period is 6 pm tonight. Assignments completed after that time may get a "0" on this report card.
Homework Due Wednesday 10/7
3. Be prepared for the real test on "Covalent Bonding" tomorrow by going to ChemThink.
4. Begin ChemThink's "Molecular Shapes" Tutorial and Questions.
WEDNESDAY 10/5/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Be sure to complete ChemThink's "Covalent Bonding" Tutorial and Questions.
Homework Due Thursday 10/6
6. Study for your Covalent Bonding Test tomorrow.
TUESDAY 10/4/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. You may continue to take this practice test if you don't think you are ready to take the real thing: "Ionic Formulas Practice Test" or you can review for the test by going to ChemThink
2. Take this test today: "Ionic Formulas Test"
Homework Due Wednesday 10/5
3. Do ChemThink "Covalent Bonding" - Tutorial and Questions. Due tomorrow.
3. Go to ChemThink: and complete any missing assignments.
MONDAY 10/3/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Students will view their up-to-date chemistry grades online. Click This Link: Your Grades as of 9/30/11
3. Students will see which ChemThink assignments they have completed so far.
4. Students will see which tests that they have completed so far.
5. You will take the "Ionic Formulas Practice Test"
Homework Due Tuesday 10/4
6. Go to ChemThink: and complete any missing assignments.
7. Be prepare to take the real Ionic Formulas Test tomorrow.
Today: FRIDAY 9/30/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. The teacher will return graded assignments to all students. Students will place their returned assignments into their ring binder with a divider labeled for "chemistry".
2. Students will view their up-to-date chemistry grades online. However, before students can see their grades, they will need to be sure that their browser has Java. Most smart phones and tablets have it already but if you have a laptop, go to www.java.com to install the latest version of Java for your system. After you have installed Java, you must close your browser and restart it. With your browser open, you may need to click on the "Tools" tab and select "Internet Options". Here, be sure Java is enabled. You are now ready to view you grades online but first you must get your ID number and PIN number from your teacher. You are now ready to click here to view your grades: Your Grades as of 9/30/11 (If you don't see a place to enter your ID and PIN numbers on that page, then Java is not installed correctly. Try restarting your browser again. See your teacher if it still doesn't work.)
3. Your teacher will show all students which ChemThink assignments they have completed so far.
4. Your teacher will show all students which tests that they have completed so far.
5. Your teacher will go through ChemThink's "Ionic Formulas" questions if time allows.
Homework Due Monday 10/3
6. Go to ChemThink: and complete "Ionic Formulas" Tutorial and Questions. You will be tested on Monday. Work Hard!
THURSDAY 9/29/11 Period 5
1. No School Today - Jewish Holiday: Rosh HaShana
WEDNESDAY 9/28/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Periodic Assessment #1 Standards - Lecture only.
Homework Due Friday 9/30/12
2. Bring your notebook ring binder. You need a divider for your returned chemistry assignments, your standards, and your signed Chemistry Syllabus.
3. Login to your ChemThink.com home page then click on the "Check Your Records" tab to see which topics need to be completed by Friday. Do them.
TUESDAY 9/27/11 Period 5
1. On Line Test: "Ionic Bonding" (Based on the ChemThink tutorial)
2. If you need to retake the test that we took in class today, you may take it up until midnight tonight as many times as you like to get your best score.
3. Go to: ChemThink.com and complete the "Ionic Formulas Tutorial" and "Ionic Formulas Questions. You will be quizzed on this topic in class tomorrow.
4. Also, if you have not done so from yesterday's assignment, do the tutorial, "Ionic Bonding" out of the downloadable program, "Atoms, Bonding and Structure". Copy each question in green and write the answer. This will also be due tomorrow. To obtain your own free shareware version of this tutorial, click on Download Atoms, Bonding and Structure v2.0 (712 Kb) to immediately install this program into your computer. This program is for PC's only. It is not for the Mac. "Ionic Bonding" is the fourth tutorial in the list.
MONDAY 9/26/11 Period 5
1. Collect Friday's homework.
2. On Line Test: "Ions and Isotopes" (Based on the ChemThink tutorial)
3. Go to: ChemThink.com and complete the "Ionic Bonding Tutorial" and "Ionic Bonding Questions. You will be quizzed on this topic in class tomorrow.
4. Also do the tutorial, "Ionic Bonding" out of the downloadable program, "Atoms, Bonding and Structure". Copy each question in green and write the answer. This will also be due tomorrow. To obtain your own free shareware version of this tutorial, click on Download Atoms, Bonding and Structure v2.0 (712 Kb) to immediately install this program into your computer. This program is for PC's only. It is not for the Mac. "Ionic Bonding" is the fourth tutorial in the list.
FRIDAY 9/23/11 Period 5
In Class Today:
1. Practice Test: "Ions and Isotopes" Take this test to prepare you for the real test on Monday.
2. ChemThink.com Please work on your chemthink assignments. Go to your "Home" page and then click on "Check Your Records" to see what still needs to be completed. You must finish all of your ChemThink assignments before class on Monday.
Homework This Weekend: (Due by class time on Monday):
3. Read Section 2.2 Properties of Matter (pp 31-33)
Answer the "Active Reading Questions" on pages 31 and 32.
Answer the "Review Questions" on page 34.
Read Section 2.3 Classifying Matter (pp 35-43)
Answer the "Practice Problem" on page 40.
Answer the "Review Questions" on page 43.
4. ChemThink.com Continue working on any and all ChemThink assignments that are due before Monday 9/26. Finish before Monday
FRIDAY 4/8/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. Quia game on Rate of Reaction - First copy all of the questions and their answers then
go through the game again and get your points. Ask Mr. Graves to see your point then
turn in your paper to Mr. Graves.
THURSDAY 4/7/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. Challenge Board-Everything Nuclear Copy all of the questions and the answers then
go again and get your points. Turn your questions in to Mr. Graves to get your points.
2. Challenge Board-Nuclear Chemistry AP Do this activity only if you finish 1 above.
THURSDAY 3/17/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. ChemThink-Covalent Bonding Tutorial Go through this tutorial as many times as it takes
to learn the material in preparation for the Questions in the next activity.
2. ChemThink-Covalent Bonding Questions If you don't know the answers to these
questions then return to the tutorial in the above activity and do it over until you do know it.
3. Ionic or Covalent "Pop-Up" Do it over and over to get your highest score.
WEDNESDAY 3/16/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. Matter Concepts "Jumbled Words" Show your score to Mr. Graves
2. Water, Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids "Challenge Board" What are your final scores?
3. Acids and Bases "Hangman" What is your final score?
4. Acids and Salts "Battleship" Show Mr. Graves when you win. Start with "Medium".
Do this assignment only if you have the time.
MONDAY 3/14/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. Matter Concepts "Jumbled Words" Show your score to Mr. Graves
2. Water, Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids "Challenge Board" What are your final scores?
3. Acids and Bases "Hangman" What is your final score?
4. Acids and Salts "Battleship" Show Mr. Graves when you win. Start with "Medium". Do this assignment only if you have the time.
THURSDAY 3/10/11 Periods 2 and 5
1. Lab Safety Quiz Show your score to Mr. Graves
2. Water, Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids "Hangman" What is your final score?
3. Combustion Revision "Battleship" Show Mr. Graves when you win. Start with "Hard".